Skinny Fat

I want to point out that I stole the title of this post from a very cool running buddy named Karen. She dropped this phrase during a run, and I think it’s classic.

Since I started running, I’ve almost completely stopped going to the gym. By the time I get home from work, go run and come home, I’m ready to eat a pound of pasta not lift weights.

Although I burn a lot of calories running, I’m not really building any muscle doing long, slow miles.

I have skeleton arms and my  is derriere rapidly disappearing.

I’m what Karen would call “skinny fat.”

Now I don’t need to be a brick house, but I can’t go on like this. With no muscle and no tan, I’m in no shape to sport a swim suit this summer (which will come early for me with this Southern weather).

I’m making a pact with all of my readers to hit the gym. I’m going to have a bicep again if it means strapping dumbells to my arms all day.